The Wolsey Road Club has several trophies available for club members to win each season. A description of the trophies is listed below:-
BAR – Best Average speed in 50, 100 and 12 hour time trials
Club Championship – Best average speed in 25, 50 and 100 mile time trials
25 mile Championship – Best average speed in four 25 mile time trials
Haven Trophy – Best aggregate of four times over 10 miles
Hill climb – Fastest club rider in a Club hill climb designated by the committee
Junior BAR – Best average speed for two 10 and 25 mile time trials
Juvenile 10 – Best average speed in three 10 mile time trials
Junior 10 – Fastest junior rider in an event designated by the committee
Ladies 10 – Fastest lady club rider in an event designated by the committee
Ladies 25 – Fastest 25 mile time trial in the season
Novice – Fastest 25 mile time trial during season by a novice. A novice is a rider who has not previously competed at that distance
Road Race – All applications from riders who make a “claim” at the end of the season are considered by the committee (this approach is due to the large variety of organising bodies, different events etc)
Cyclo-cross – Similar to Road race
MTB – Similar to Road race
Fixed Wheel Trophy – Rider with fastest average speed for one 10 mile and one 25 mile time trial on fixed wheel
Ladies BAR – Best average speed in 10, 25 an 50 mile time trials
Vets 25 Championship – Best aggregate on standard over four 25 mile time trials
Dick Newman Trophy – Awarded to club member achieving the fastest aggregate time in a calendar year over 10 and 25 mile time trials in open an association events. Qualifying events – any 10 or 25 on East district non-dual carriageway courses
Short Distance Improvement Trophy – Awarded for the greatest aggregate improvement or smallest deficit on a riders best 10 and 25 mile times for the previous 3 seasons, standing on 1st January of the current year (performances at both distances must be recorded and both distances are considered equal)
Pat Pepper Memorial – Awarded to the fastest lady, irrespective of club, in the Club Open 25
Club Ride Attendance – The club member with the most number of points accumulated through the season (2 points for doing the complete loop, 1 point for joining part of the ride)
Sportive Trophy – Awarded for completion of the largest number of advertised fixed distance mass participation events (sportive, Audax, reliability) in the year